慈悲的 龍德上師成立「觀音山蔬食館」提倡健康素食、慈悲護生,以"觀音山素食料理簡單做"的理念,提供多款素食食譜,讓您一學就會!
天貝 | 200克 |
鹹花生米 | 50克 |
紅椒、黃椒 | 各30克 |
薑末 | 20克 |
白芝麻、白胡椒粉、水 | 少許 |
素蠔油、香椿醬、番茄醬、糖、油 | 適量 |
●素食料理簡單做 開始!
步驟三:熱鍋,薑末爆香,加入素蠔油、番茄醬 、糖、白胡椒粉及少許水,略滾。
👩🍳本食譜提供:台中 #觀音山蔬食館 主廚 淨雅
Tempeh or Tempe is a traditional Indonesian soy product that is made from fermented soybeans. Tempe is low-fat, high-calcium, and high-protein. It is a highly nutritious food that vegetarians cannot miss. The chef of Guanyinshan prepares a unique sauce for this dish. The tempeh tastes dense and firm and fully soaked the flavored sauce. Sprinkle some peanuts which make it even more crispy and delicious! Quickly follow the chef of Guanyinshan, let's cook simple vegetarian dishes together!
🥣Ingredients : (For 4 people)
▪Tempeh 200g
▪Salted peanuts 50g
▪Red pepper 、Yellow pepper 30g
▪Minced ginger 20g
▪White sesame、White pepper 、Water
▪Vegetarian mushroom soy sauce、 Chinese toon sauce 、Ketchup、 Sugar 、Oil
🥣Cooking steps:
1.Cut tempeh into 0.8 cm thick and 3 cm slices.
2. Remove seeds from red and yellow peppers and cut into 0.8 cm dice.
1. Fry tempeh until golden brown.
2. Roughly fry red and yellow peppers for later use. 3. Heat the pan; sauté the minced ginger; add vegetarian oyster sauce, ketchup, sugar, white pepper and a little water, and boil slightly.
4. Stir fry tempeh with toon sauce, and add salted peanuts to mix well.
5. Dish up with bell pepper and white sesame seeds.
👩🍳This recipe is provided by: Chef Jing Ya, Taichung #Guanyinshan Green Restaurant
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本文轉自【觀音山 素食料理簡單做 GYSVegan】推廣素食|戒殺護生|愛護地球